Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Halloween was so much fun this year. We ended up having a small party at my house. There was lots of great food and the kids all looked great in their costumes.

Katie was such a happy ladybug!

It is hard work being this cute!

Katie Bug our Lady Bug

Karin and Arthur came to visit us the week of Halloween. Arthur is such a cutie. Love the blue eyes and that smile!

Katie fell asleep first! She was so tired from being pushed around in the stroller during trick-or-treating.

Katie with the first costume fitting. She was not too sure of the hat.

Keldon had to be non other than Darth Vader. He was just the cutest (and strong and brave) Darth Vader.

Keldon with his friend Riley.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Great pictures! I love the Katie bug shots and Keldon definately makes a real Darth Vader.
Thanks for sharing all the pictures.